My name is Chris Palmer and in todays on page SEO that will be perfect for you as a beginner let's get into the six elements of doing on page SEO. That will actually make sure that you're going to get significant ranking increases with just on page soothe. Very first thing that you have to be focused on when doing your on-page SEO is you need to understand intent, the intent of the keywords going to determine what type of content you need to write first and foremost, and what type of content that you're going to optimize now I'm going? To give you examples, bear with me here.
Firsthand foremost, is the intent if you're writing for, let's say, plumber um Houston, the intent here is that Google is rewarding okay, Googles rewarding homepages and service Pages the hats, a commercial intent right, so you can't write blog article and rank for plumber, Houston, so whatever service or whatever type of Keyword you're thinking about optimizing for or writing an article for it's going to be a great idea. Togo over to Google, look at the current results and see what type of page Google is rewarding because. If you write the wrong page, you could do all the on-page SEO in the world. It's never going to rank, let's move on to tip number two tip number two is what type of page is Google rewarding. You know the intent of the keyword, and what type of page is Google rewarding they go hand inland. So, that's probably why I led right into number two when I was speaking about number one because, we need to look at Google and understand okay.
What's the intent and what is Google rewarding, let me give you another example: okay another example would be um how to fix a leak NowThis. This applies to affiliate. This applies toe-commerce.
This applies to local, I'm just showing these examples, because I was just talking to a plumber okay. So if I scroll down, take a look at this if you're trying to have this keyword, on your service page or on a homepage, it's not going to work. This has informational intent. Right, the intent is informational. What is Google rewarding Google is rewarding an inner page. That's going to give tips about fixing a leaky pipe and it's looking like four ways, so they want more than one way. They want to give you some tips. A video would also do very well. So, a page, that's going to have, four or five tips that includes a video will potentially. Do very well right always look at the keyword. Look at the intent.
This plays massively into. The part of your on page, optimization don't optimize around the wrong intent is what I'm getting at here.
Let's move on to the next tithe next tip is well. What is the average wordcount? Let's have another example let's use an affiliate site as an example. This time average word count is massively important, so how you cango about doing this is regardless of whatever the keyword is so let's do it affiliate um uh how to get a loan for my home fast. Let's just we're just going to use that okay, if I'm taking aloo at these all right, we know that the intent right we talked about the intent. We know what Google's rewarding what we're going to do. Ise need to come up with an average word count now. This is very important. Every keyword that you want to ring for you need to understand what word count. Google is rewarding. Okay, you have its mandatory, you can get away with writing. More and you can get away with writing less. But if you're going to do SEO, the O stands for optimization that means. We want to be optimal; we're optimizing for search.
We want to optimize our content for the best probability of being able to rank right suit's. I I don't want to guess there's no guessing what's, Google rewarding. What's the average that's what you write period end the statement. Okay, let me share this with you, so what I use is SEO Quake when I'm when I'm going to give my word counts to my writer or I'm going to write it myself. I always go and see what's the top three or four performers. What's the average word count, it's very simple, so I go to the top guy or gal or company 3,000 words. Okay, the next person has let me guess somewhere around 3,000, oh 4500perfect, the next guy, 2,000. Okay! So, what's the average?
Well, you pull out your calculator. Youde 4,000 plus 3,000 plus 2,000 equals divide that by the three sites. We need about 3,000words job done. What's the average word count look at the top three to five performers come up with an average? That's how many words you need to write. Let's move on to the next tithe next step is going to be the average heading count all right. Let's use a different example fora different Niche. So, this way you know that no matter what whether you're doing local whether you're doing affiliate, whether you 'redoing e-commerce, whether you're writing, info content or you have a service or a product SEO, is almost the same. You have to understand what. Is Google rewarding and optimize to these? That's it okay and, of course, have good content have pretty pictures right, the other pieces play, but I'm giving you the most impactful elements of on page SEO right, here giving it to you. I want you to do betters.
Let's take a look at this average heading count, all right, 99.99999 % of the time there's only going to be one each1. What we're really trying to determine is: what's the average wordcount, we know there's only one age1, but how many headings do we need total?
Let's pick a new keyword, all right, we come into here. Let's pickax new keyword, let's say it's: e-commerce, um best lipsticks, okay, best lipsticks come in here all right this. This could be affiliating too all right. This tool is called SEO Pro extension by marketing setup, it's free! You can use whatever tools, you want. There's SEO met, intone click, there's all types of tools: that do this! This is the one that I like, so they have16 and 14. So that's 15 and 16. That's 31! So, they have 31, headers! Okay! What's this guy have 26 3643 headers okay, so that means the top guy had what. 36. 43. All right, EXA! You don't have to, be totally exact, but we want to get an average right because understanding the headers will also help. You understand how many paragraphs you need right. So, we're going to come into here, 13there's 14, perfect right and you're going to see discrepancies, because Google is going tobe, ranking, there's a lot of other factors other than just on page, so you're going to see, some discrepancies!
That's why I personally am showing you how to get the averages. I wanton do the average of the top performers right Wiant to get into the Sur average. It's that simple! That's how I look at it and that's how Wiant to share it with you. So, what's the average here, all right, so the average, so we have our 36 plus 43 14 equals divide that byte three is 31, the average is31. So, I know I need 31 headers right. Remember that the other mouth wedded we need 3,000 words. I was looking at different seeps, but we're putting the pieces together and we know that the intent is going to be service based, or it could be affiliate right you with me all right, great. Let's keep going all right next. Let me share this with you all right and it's the weekend. I'M trying to hurry here, but I want to give you these tips these will massively help you next. How many headings have keywords so important? Now you saw how, we got our average heading count.
The next piece of optimization. That's high impact is okaying. Your Ser count, those headers. We know what the average is, for the top guy's great go to the top performer, how many key, how many headings have a keyword in it? I'M only giving you the most impactful how many headings have a keywording it here's, how you do it all right, so let's say! So now we've done service-based, we've done local, we've done affiliate and we've done Ecolect's go back to local, because I know that most you're, probably in the local space, you're a local business owner right most of the people that I talk to and that watch these videos are business owners or local Business owners or other seos like me right, so let me go back to local right because that's who I primarily help heading count how many of them are optimized so. Let's say, let's say that we're doing impersonal injury lawyers Los Angeles, all right we want to rank for personal injury lawyers in Los Angeles Forbes, is a power player there, not aside.
That looks like you for some math, you can look at these players, but when we're analyzing headers they're not there because they have proper on page, they probably have good on page but they're there, because they're, an authority site and they're Forbes right generally when I'm coming up with an equation for the Heading counts and links I also want to look at sites that are like me, so heading counts. How do you count them? Well, you go to a top performer right number. One number two number three and you go in there and you take a look. Andou says: okay: we know that the top performer has 10 20, 34, 35, 36, 37 38 headers right let's say that the average heading count is 38 let's just.
We have 40 on our site, okay, how many of these headers or what percentage of headers need to be optimized. Excuse me, 10, 20, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37there's, 38, headers right. I literally use this myself right, I'm only I'm literally showing you the stuff that I do right guys in my group bust, my chops, all the time. Why are you using this calculator? Here's the math, like it's easy Hey, I'm an SEO. I need to know the math and Infeed to make sure that it's exact and I right I'm not I'm showing you what I do all right. If you know a better way cool. Do it but generally if when I'm trying to figure out heading count and, I need to know what the average percentages I use this tool.
I use it all the time I'm just saying so here it is so we go into here we can see that we have 10 20. 30 uh. 34. 5. 67. 38. So, we have 38 headers come on down here right, so we're going to come into here and we're going to count down the headers. So, the primary keyword is personal injury lawyer, Los Angeles so any time that that phrase or any of those words. The word personal, the word injury, the wordlist, the word loss, just loss or just Angelus, or just injury or just personal or just personal injury right. Any variation of those words' shows up inside of a header count that as an optimized header, okay, let's count so we have 1. 2. 3. 4 five6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Oh nope, 9, 10, uh, 11, 12, 13, 14, 14, thesis a high competition. So, I can see that a lot of the headers are going to be optimized14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 28. 28 out of the 38 28 out of the out of38, what is 28 out of 38 28 is what percent of 38 73 % of the headers need to be optimized if.
You want to compete in this Ser. You need to optimize about 70 % of your headings. So, if you only had 10 on the page, you need to optimize seven of them. This is how you do the calculation right. You can use this tool. You probably know better way than me. I use these online tools all the time like The Meta like this tool the I use SEO Quake. I use SEO Pro extension. Andi use this calculator all the time when I'm doing analyzation for my folio clients, like literally Ido it all the time. The next thing, all right, let's go to the next tip average density of primary keyword. This is the next most impactful thing all right. Let's stick with this same exact example just, so we don't H, have to hop around and this video doesn't get any longer. Let's take a look at this when we come into here, we know that the primary keyword. Here was what personal injury lawyers Los Angeles.
It's a five-word phrase, what is the prominence and the density of those five words inside of that page. What you do is you got, the page I use seaquake to get a quick math because. In my opinion, I think Google's taking into account all of the words not just the words in. The body, so I want them to count everything and. I want that to go into the count because that's. In my opinion, Google renders the Dom whatever that number crunch is that's the count, so this tool does that I want to know what. The count is okay, personal injury, lawyer Lòs Angeles injury. They said it 115 times, okay personal 84 times, I'm looking to see what is the top performer using what is their word counts. Andhow many times. Are they using those words if you have to come up with an average or you have you, should if you're trying to compete in this Seriou should have somewhere around the number of the top performer, right? You should be very closet, this number, so coming so utilizing, these numbers or going slightly above what the top Guyor top company is doing is going to only do the only thing it's going to do is help you that 'sit. So, if I'm looking down the list - personal housed it 84 times - okay, I want. I want to use it 85times right, personal lawyer.
They use it 47 times okay, I'm going to use it 50 times uh accident or loss. They used it 28 times all right, I'm going tousle! It 30 times you're going to have a slightly increased density than the top performer that's the aim. These are the sixth most impactful nonages, optimization tips that I can share with you today. What's the intent? What's Google rehardening what type of page so once you know what the intent is that tells you the kind of page that you need?
We need to figure out, what's the average word count. We need to know what the average heading count is, then we need to know. Howman headings have a keyword in it and then what's the average density of the primary keyword, once you figure, those things out. Those are the most impactful there's a lot of other tips that I could give you for on page. These are some of the most impactful elements of on page SEO. I assure you if you, start doing this math and applying it to your pages. I guarantee you ranking, increases and much better results. If you need any help, with this or anything else, SEO related, please reach outate, Chrisp
I have calendars. I have private sessions; I have group sessions.
I have Services anything, I can help you with. I will thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing you in the next on page SEO.
That's perfect for beginners like. You I'll see you in the next one bye-bye.
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